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American Espresso Blend

American Espresso Blend

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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Roast level

Roast - Dark medium

Flavor Notes -Dark Chocolate - Caramel

Blend of Arabica and Robusta

Roasted to a perfect dark medium. We don't like burnt and acidic coffee. Cuts through milk very well while not being overpowering.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jason, the espresso was GREAT

The smell alone has notes of burnt sugar and definitely a "nut" of some kind. It is very smooth and subtle, but provides a "kick" that for the early morning. It was the right call to grab two bags, I'm definitely goinThe smell alone has notes of burnt sugar and definitely a "nut" of some kind. It is very smooth and subtle, but provides a "kick" that for the early morning. It was the right call to grab two bags, I'm definitely going The smell alone has notes of burnt sugar and definitely a "nut" of some kind. It is very smooth and subtle, but provides a "kick" that for the early morning. It was the right call to grab two bags, I'm definitely going back to grab more.back to grab more.g The smell alone has notes of burnt sugar and definitely a "nut" of some kind. It is very smooth and subtle, but provides a "kick" that for the early morning. It was the right call to grab two bags, I'm definitely going back to grab more.back to grab more.